_Action: No More Words (Viral Voices 2018)
Center for Architecture, 536 LaGuardia Pl, New York, NY 10012
20 years ago, traditional print journals were the gatekeepers, setting the agenda for big ideas that shaped the culture of architecture. Blogs and e-zines have rapidly changed the nature of architectural discourse, accelerating its pace while opening up the field to a much wider range of voices and audiences. Online publication made criticism more timely, democratic, and global. Now another revolution is underway: image-based social media platforms are radically speeding up design dialogue again, bypassing established online publishers. Digital photography and video shared around the world and around the clock are supplanting the written word. This Global Dialogues event looks into the near-future of fluid idea sharing from the present moment of image-posting, likes, and tweets. How are designers using the nimbleness of social media tools to give shape to substantive new ideas? What role do social media “influencers” play in how a culture of architecture is defined and how we are designing today?
Matthew Bannister, Founder, DBOX
Amanda Ferber, Founder, Architecture Hunter
Sofia Hagen, Design Partner, DH Liberty
Paul Keskeys, Content Director, Architizer
Vivien Liu, Founder, Studio Unit