
Archtober Special Event: Passive House Towering in NYC

Oct 30 at 5–7pm
Building Energy Exchange - Surrogate's Courthouse - 31 Chambers Street Suite 608 NY, NY 10007
Organized by Building Energy ExchangeNew York Passive House

Join New York Passive House, Building Energy Exchange and the three architectural firms making waves in New York City with their large multifamily Passive House projects. While the Passive House standard itself is based on simple principles, translating the principles into physical structures requires work. The speakers will walk the audience through the design of their projects, looking at the building envelope, heating & cooling design and explore the challenges specific to large-scale Passive House buildings. A Q&A will follow the panel presentation.

Ryan Lobello, Project Architect, Handel
John Woelfling, Principal, Dattner
Mark Ginsburg, Principal, Curtis & Ginsburg

5:00 PM – Registration
5:15 PM – Welcome Remarks
5:30 PM – Presentation Starts
6:40 PM – Q&A

NYC’s architecture and design month features hundreds of events, tours, and exhibitions organized by more than 60 partners across the five boroughs.
Saturday, Oct 27
Event Title