The Future of the New York Metropolitan Area: The Fourth Regional Plan
In November 2017, the Regional Plan Association published The Fourth Regional Plan: Making the Region Work for All of Us, a product of five years of research and public engagement with a wide range of stakeholders.
The plan seeks to address issues including housing affordability, overburdened transportation infrastructure, and the region’s vulnerability to climate change, while helping to bring nearly two million jobs by 2040, as well as shared prosperity and well-being across the region. Like the plans released before it, The Fourth Plan is intended to help elected officials, policymakers, and advocates plan for the region’s future.
The exhibition will investigate four critical area types across the region: the core, the suburbs, local downtowns, and regional green spaces. In addition to The Fourth Regional Plan, the exhibition will also showcase the Four Corridors, a special, six-month initiative launched prior to the release of the Fourth Regional Plan. The Regional Plan Association worked in collaboration with Guy Nordenson, Paul Lewis, and Catherine Seavitt, to engage architects and designers in exploring the future of four specific corridors in the New York metropolitan region: Coast (Rafi A+U + DLANDstudio); City (Only If + One Architecture); Suburbs (WORKac); Highlands (PORT + Range).